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In-Home Pet Care vs. Boarding Your Pet


Three French Bullgod Puppies

Why do we feel in-home pet care is the only option for your pet(s)?


We have seen first hand, through our own pets, how stressed and sad animals can get when their people are away...add the element of boarding in an unfamiliar kennel or veterinary hospital and it can be downright heartbreaking for them.


Pets are more comfortable in their own environment and home and, while they will still be sad about your absence, at least they can maintain their routine and still get the human attention they crave while you are gone; they will feel more safe and secure being surrounded by familiar sounds, smells and sights.

Three French Bullgod Puppies
Cat Sleeping

The Benefits

The health benefits of in-home pet care are also important. If your pet has a regular potty, food or medication routine, this can be maintained. With boarding, there is always a risk of your pet coming in contact with parasites, fleas and / or other illnesses. With your pet at home, these risks are eliminated!


There are also benefits to you as the pet owner!! You can rest assured that your pet is in VERY loving and capable hands. No need to feel badly or guilty about dropping them off at the kennel or animal hospital for the week...they are receiving exceptional care right in their own home. Just remember, not all pet sitters and care givers are the same - shop around and talk with a few - the most important thing is for your pet to feel comfortable with this new friend and for you to feel at ease trusting this person in your home while you are away.

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